

month : 05/2019 2 results

Student Review: Yodeling Group Adilei at Childs Elementary ‘An Eye Opener’

In April, Adilei, a yodeling-based a cappella group from the Republic of Georgia, performed at Childs Elementary School as part of the Lotus Blossoms educational outreach program presented by the Lotus Education & Arts Foundation. Childs fifth-grader Stella, 11, reviewed the performance for Limestone Post, calling it "an eye opener.” Click here for Stella’s review and a brief video of Adilei.

Hoosier Lawyers, Voters Owe Debt to Antoinette Leach

Since Antoinette Leach began her career as Indiana’s first female lawyer 126 years ago, “the power and presence of women lawyers have increased exponentially, mostly in the past 30 years,” writes Diane Walker, who adds that “both women lawyers and women voters — and, one could argue, all Americans — owe a debt to Antoinette Leach.” Click here to see why.
