

month : 02/2016 7 results

6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Jordan Greenhouses

A former quarry? Sunken Gardens? The Passion Pit? And you thought you were looking at greenhouses. Those glass buildings with steamy windows on East 3rd Street have quite the past. And their present is rather colorful, too. Jen Hockney Bratton reveals what you didn’t know about IU's Jordan Greenhouses. Look at some gorgeous photos, too! Click here to read the full story.

Finding Hope in South Sudan: Part 2 Persistent Violence, Unstable Peace

When fighting erupted last August in South Sudan, community-development workers Will and Theresa Reed had to evacuate. They returned to Bloomington to wait out the violence. Now, while the situation in South Sudan fluctuates between unstable and dangerous, the Reeds have returned to Africa, helping refugees in Uganda to find hope. Click here to read the full story.


Stirring the Pot: A Bowl of (Dried) Cherries

Being a friend is a privilege, says Ruthie Cohen. With some friends, talking about cooking and cherries can lead to talk of restaurants, yoga poses, children, grandchildren, and former husbands. For her, friendship is a hallowed institution — a lifeline in stormy seas and a place where we can be our best selves. Click here to read the full story.

Even in Dead of Winter, Bike Commuters Fend Off Nasty Weather and Drivers

Hundreds of Monroe County residents hop on their bicycles and commute to work every day, year-round. In Susan M. Brackney’s story, they share tips on how to be safe and comfortable when dealing with snow, ice, subfreezing temps, and hostile drivers who don’t want to share the road. Click here to read the full story.

B-town Marathon Runner to Compete at Olympic Trials on Saturday

Last fall, Anna Weber put her pursuit of a Ph.D. at IU on hold to train for the Olympics. This Saturday, February 13, she will compete with 244 other women for a spot on Team USA, which heads to Rio de Janeiro in August for the 2016 Olympic Games. Click here to read the full story.


Mentorship Program Tries to Break School-to-Prison Pipeline for Juvenile Girls

IU Professor Theresa Ochoa developed HOPE, a mentorship program at the Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility, Indiana’s only maximum-security detention center for girls. Each juvenile is paired with a college student to learn skills she’ll need to finish school or find a job after she leaves the facility. Click here to read the full story.

B-town Becoming a ‘Bootstraps Community’ of Unconventional Collaborations

Writer Jonna Mary Yost explores how a new brand of entrepreneurs in B-town are working outside the usual business model — and making it work. It isn’t about just baking the best pizza or brewing the best coffee. It’s about working with people you like and making your town a better place. Click here to read the full story.