
Policy on Financial Support


Limestone Post is an independent, nonprofit media company that publishes informative, in-depth, and inclusive stories on a variety of cultural and social topics. Our mission is on local journalism that informs residents in Bloomington and the surrounding areas so that they are able participate in, and enjoy, their community in meaningful ways. Limestone Post is supported entirely by tax-exempt donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations.

Click here to make an individual donation.

Click here to learn about business sponsorships and underwriting.

Call 812-320-3519 or email info@limestonepostmagazine.com for more details on how you can support Limestone Post Magazine. 

Editorial Independence

Limestone Post is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News.

Limestone Post is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News.

As a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN), we subscribe to the organization’s standards of editorial independence:

Limestone Post retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization. We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants, and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support.

Limestone Post may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our editorial staff maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content.

Our organization will make public all donors who give a total of $5,000 or more per year. We will accept anonymous donations for general support only if it is clear that sufficient safeguards have been put into place that the expenditure of that donation is made independently by our organization and in compliance with INN’s Membership Standards.

Limestone Media would like to thank Mark Cuban for his generous donation of $10,000 in 2024.

Support Local Journalism

Limestone Media, Inc. will accept gifts, grants, and sponsorships from individuals, companies, and other organizations in any amount for the general support of Limestone Post’s activities.

Limestone Media, Inc.’s acceptance of support precludes any voice on the donor’s part in editorial decisions beyond the broadly stated mission of the support of local journalism.

Rights of Financial Supporters

Every financial supporter of Limestone Media, Inc. is entitled to a written description of the arrangement, including:

  1. Acknowledgment of Limestone Media, Inc.’s receipt of the support.
  2. Public recognition.
  3. Description of how the support will be used.
  4. A statement stating whether the supporter has received anything of value from Limestone Media in exchange for the support (as required by IRS).
  5. Description of mutually agreed upon set of benefits, if any, for the funder.


In the spirit of transparency, Limestone Media, Inc. will compile a complete list of donors each fiscal year and make the list available for public inspection on the Limestone Post Magazine website.

Limestone Media, Inc. will not accept gifts from anonymous sources.

Limestone Media, Inc. will not accept gifts from political parties, elected officials, or others whose contribution may affect public perception of Limestone Media’s independence or reputation.

Gifts may be in cash, in-kind services, or tangible goods. If not in cash, a value will be attached to the gift.

A list of donors will generally be published annually but may be published more frequently as directed by Limestone Media’s Board of Directors.

Limestone Media, Inc. will never share donors’ personal information for the sake of advertising or other direct-mail efforts.

Gifts in the form of checks must be made payable to Limestone Media, Inc. and sent to: PO BOX 432, Bloomington, IN 47401

A Gift Deposit Form will be completed for the gift. Where correspondence with the donor will be useful in documenting the intent to give the gift, it will accompany the Gift Deposit Form.

In accordance with good donor stewardship practices and with all IRS regulations, all gifts will receive an acknowledgment in writing or by e-mail, which will be archived.

Limestone Media can and will accept online donations, which can be made here.

Internal controls of the highest integrity will always be followed.

Gifts not specifically mentioned, such as stock, real estate, or other non-cash gifts, will only be accepted following specific approval of the Limestone Post Board.

Limestone Media’s fund-development practices and accounting for gifts will fulfill all Internal Revenue Service, State of Indiana, and other relevant regulations at the state and federal level.

Business Sponsorships and Underwriting

As the flagship publication of Limestone Media, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Limestone Post Magazine is supported through the financial support of individuals, businesses, and other organizations. In accordance with federal regulations, we acknowledge support from businesses in a number of ways. 

First, we publish a list of business partners that is updated periodically. 

Second, we display images, called Underwriting Notices, on our website that shows a company’s logo, mission, contact info, and other information that does not contain details precluded by federal guidelines, such as prices, calls to action, or claims of comparison.

Businesses choose a level of support based on their contribution amount, which correlates to the size of the Underwriting Notice. These display images can be purchased with our Sponsorship Agreement and contracted for one, three, six, or twelve months. (Email us at info@limestonepostmagazine.com for more details or to request a Sponsorship Agreement.)

Each Underwriting Notice includes a link to the business’s website. While Underwriters provide their own artwork, we would be glad to recommend some excellent ad designers.

Below are the specs for various Underwriting Notices. 

Banner: 970 pixels wide x 90 pixels tall

Banner displays are the only Notices that appear within the text on each page, which is why they are our most-viewed display.

Marketplace: 300 pixels wide x 250 tall

Our most economical option, Marketplace displays appear in the sidebar of every page. They approximate the shape of a business card and, like a business card, introduce readers to the business and show them how to get in touch.

Story Billboard: 970 pixels wide x 250 tall

Because Story Billboards appear at the top of each story page, they are seen by everyone who clicks on a story. The large size allows for much more text and imagery than our smaller displays.

Category Billboard: 1350 pixels wide x 250 tall

Our largest Underwriting Notice, Category Billboards appear at the top of the landing pages for our different story categories, such as Arts, Outdoors, Food & Drink, and Healthy Living. They are seen by readers who search for articles on particular topics.

Skybox: 300 pixels wide x 600 tall

Skybox Notices are our most popular display because their size allows companies to include a lot of information and eye-catching imagery. They appear on every page in the sidebar, so the metrics are fantastic.

File types: .jpg or .png files, with 72 dpi resolution.

Discounts are available for multi-month Sponsorship Agreements. Call 812-320-3519 or email info@limestonepostmagazine.com for more details, to request a Sponsorship Agreement, or to set up an appointment to learn about how you can support Limestone Post. We will be glad to discuss the best options for the type of exposure that is right for your business.